Hello World Posted on 2020-11-26 Edited on 2021-01-25 我个人常用的指令 一键合集(慎用) 12345hexo cleangit branch # 查看本地分支git branch -r # 查看远程分支git push origin allfile:allfile # 将本地allfile分支push到远程allfile分支hexo d hexo的服务器调试模式 1hexo s --debug hexo内容部署到线上环境 这里上传的是经过生成的文件 请一定要在hexo初始配置中完成自动git的配置才能用这个命令 1hexo d hexo原始文件部署到其他分支 请确认分支情况 123git branch # 查看本地分支git branch -r # 查看远程分支git push origin allfile:allfile # 将本地allfile分支push到远程allfile分支 Welcome to Hexo! This is your very first post. Check documentation for more info. If you get any problems when using Hexo, you can find the answer in troubleshooting or you can ask me on GitHub. Quick Start Create a new post 1$ hexo new "My New Post" More info: Writing Run server 1$ hexo server More info: Server Generate static files 1$ hexo generate More info: Generating Deploy to remote sites 1$ hexo deploy More info: Deployment